Company profile

OnlyOwner Technology Limited

OnlyOwner Technology Limited

OnlyOwner Technology Limited(Abbreviation: OnlyOwner Technology)It is a computer information service confidentiality provider with a number of national patents and software copyrights focusing on the encryption protection of private information. The company invited Prof CW Brian Kei is a technical consultant who conducts research cooperation in computer information services, blockchain and other fields to seek breakthroughs. Based on the state secret encryption technology, the company has developed two encryption products for different use scenarios, so that you can enjoy the convenience of life, work and entertainment brought by the Internet of things technology while fully protecting your data and information security, so that you can travel freely in the Internet world without worry. Both the network seal and the IOT security terminal are equipped with state secret security chips, which escort the data information interaction between the business environment and the private environment from the "core".

OnlyOwner Technology has always believed that more advanced encryption measures and technologies are the first. Only by constantly upgrading encryption algorithms and carrying higher protection level security chips can we cope with more complex and changeable computer environments. Proud people's continuous progress and efforts in this direction hope that every user's Internet of things experience can be more secure while enjoying convenience.

We will guard your information security!